News Archive

The sixth meeting took place online on 23 June 2021. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the current situation for the intellectual outputs. The three of them are completed and available for the target groups on the project website. The meeting was also to discuss and present the impact of COVID on project activities and related impact on the project budget.

The online Students' Community of Practice is available on the project portal. The aim is to foster the exchange of experiences among math students registered on the platform and have a direct contact with the lecturers to receive guidance and suggestions.

The online Lecturers' Community of Practice is available on the project portal. The aim is to foster the exchange of teaching experiences among math teachers. All lecturers registered on the portal have the possibility to participate in the online discussions and share their ideas with the other colleagues.

The fifth meeting took place online on 21 December 2020. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the current situation for Self-Need Assessment, Final Assessment Tools and video Library. The meeting was also the opportunity for the partners to present the Community of Practice and to define the related calendar of activities.

The teaching material section is available on the project portal. The section provides the university students with a complete set of tools to reinforce their knowledge about the specific math topics addressed by the MathE project. The tools include Article, Blog, Diagrams and graphs, Exercises, Multiple choice questionnaire, Podcasts, Problem Based Activity, and Slides.

The fourth meeting took place online on 25 June 2020. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the current situation for Self-Need Assessment, Final Assessment Tools and video Library. The meeting was also the opportunity for the partners to present the Community of Practice.

The video lesson "Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world" is available on the project portal of the project by searching for statistics video lessons.Unlock the mysteries and inner workings of the world through one of the most imaginative art forms ever -- mathematics -- with Roger Antonsen, as he explains how a slight change in perspective can reveal patterns, numbers and formulas as the gateways to empathy and understanding.

The video lesson "Statistics - Stem and leaf diagram vs histogram" is available on the project portal and on the YouTube channel of the project. The video explains how to visualise the data distribution, using the stem and leaf diagram or the histogram

The video lesson "Resolution of a linear system with parameters" is available on the project portal and on the YouTube channel of the project. In this video we show how to use the Gauss method to solve a linear system with one or more parameters

The video lesson " Definite integrals involving trigonometric functions" is available on the project portal and on the YouTube channel of the project. In this video lesson, an exercise about definite integrals with trigonometric functions (tangent and secant) is solved.

Thanks to their experience project partners were able to identify the math topics on which students' have difficulties. Based on this information project partners are now enriching the collection of video lessons with the lessons they specifically created for the project.

The third meeting took place in Limerick on 2 – 3 December 2019. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the current situation for Self-Need Assessment and Final Assessment Tools. The meeting was also the opportunity for the partners to discuss the review of the video lesson and to plan the creation of new video lessons.

Project partners started working on the creation of the collection of video lessons on the selected Math topics. The already existing video lessons are reviewed and linked to the questions of the self-assessment tool. The aim is to provide university students with a specific support when they fail the test.

The Final Assessments allows teachers to elaborate exams for their students on the topics they wish to evaluate.

The second meeting took place in Kaunas on 23 – 24 May 2019. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the Self Need Assessment and Final Assessment Tools in order to assess them and to make the final adjustments. The meeting was also the opportunity for the partners to discuss the next activity which is the development of the MathE library.

The MathE project was presented in the framework of the eight edition of the New Perspectives in Science Education conference held in Florence on 21 - 22 March 2019.

The self need assessment tool is currently under development. Students will have the possibility to test their knowledge related to: Manipulation of algebraic expressions; Real Functions of a single variable; Integration; Matrix and determinats; Linear systems; Graphs; Optimization; Statistics; Real Functions of several variables; Differential equations.

Paediatric Students are currently being involved in the 5 European countries. They will:
- Test the Need Assessment Tool
- Be assessed trough the Student Assessment Tool
- Make use of the contents of the MathE library:
- Participate in the Community of Practice

Lecturers are currently being involved in the 4 European countries. They will:
- Participate in the creation of the questions for the assessment tools
- Test the assessment tools
- Contribute to the creation of the contents of the MathE library:
- Test with students the contents of the MathE library
- Participate in the Community of Practice

The Kick-off meeting took place in Florence on 29 – 30 October 2018. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the project and the activities to be carried out. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and to discuss all details related to the project's activities. The partners presented the institutions involved. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation, the financial rules and the next activity which is the development of the assessment tools.

The MathE project has been funded, by the European Commission through the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of enhancing the quality of teaching and improving pedagogies and assessment methods. The project is based on the assumption that students of scientific and economics subjects at higher education level often lack the basic math skills to effectively follow their lectures. The project aims at: Facilitating the identification of students’ gaps in Math; Providing Math teachers with appropriate digital sources; Enhancing transnational sharing of innovative teaching sources.