This project (2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Work in Progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:
Limerick Institute of Technology

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2018 - 31 August 2021

Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:
From the start of the project, it was necessary to organize all documentation associated with the project, contracts, partners information, financial procedures, in consultation with LIT Management.

Update information to portal as required.

Build awareness of project and contribute to Community of Practice.

Co-ordinate communications with partners and LIT team.

Description of activities carried out:
The main activities carried out were:
- Liaise with Research Development and Innovation Office for approval to participate in the project.
- Organize all project documentation.
- Prepare for kick-off meeting in Florence.
- 29, 30 October 2018: Kick-off meeting in Florence.
- Recruit lecturers to take part in research.
- Proof read the English version of the MathE brochure
- Prepare contracts for participants from LIT.
- Organise meetings with lecturers.
- Collect lecturer information and upload to portal.
- Liaise with partners regarding topics.
- Recruit technical assistance.
- Update information on the portal.
- On-going dissemination activities.
- Attendance at second partners' meeting.
- Ongoing liaison with researchers.
- Initiation of student recruitment.
- Agree timeline for activities with researchers.
- on-going information to students and lecturers.
- collate and compete financial report.

- Meet virtually with researchers and communicate by email to ensure on-going participation in the project.
- Dissemination activities and approaches to potential associate partners.

This work will be completed as required by the project guidelines.

Results Achieved:
LIT represented at kick-off meeting in Florence.
LIT researchers and technical assistance recruited.
Contracts prepared and distributed.
Meetings organised to liaise with researchers working on Intellectual Output 1.

Interim Financial report prepared. Documents collected and collated. Updates to be put in place.

LIT represented at Project Meeting in Kaunas Lithuania.
Work at that meeting reported back to the researchers.
New deadlines set for submission of materials to the portal.
Monitoring submission and evaluation of IO1.

New semester started and meeting to organise the MathE research imminent.

LIT lecturers working on intellectual outputs as scheduled.
Students have been recruited and have registered autonomously on the platform.
Associated partners and potential associated partners have been identified.
Exploitation links have been recorded.
Dissemination activities on-going.

LIT hosted partner meeting in Limerick.

More students and lecturers have joined the Community of Practice.

LIT attended on-line meetings with partners.

All necessary documentation being filed.

The project outputs have been managed as required by the project protocols.